It all started a couple of weeks ago. My daughter and I out and about on a Saturday morning garage sale run. We came upon this really great house in an area where we live called Ventu Park. It's very hilly, quaint, and all of the homes are one of a kind and very interesting. This particular home looked like a bed a breakfast lodge type home. The people were moving so they were selling lots of stuff. We were perusing the goods, when I spied it, a Madeleine pan. I thought to myself, I have always wanted to try making Madeleine's. The lady said it was a brand new pan, and she had never used it.(Of Course) We all do that, buy stuff with good intentions and never use it. The best part, was she only want a dollar for it. So for a dollar, I had to get it. I took the pan home, ran it through the dishwasher, and it sat on my counter for the next week, while I looked on line for Madeleine recipes.
I found the perfect one on The recipe calls for cake flour. Interesting, I have never used cake flour. I usually use the regular kind for baking.
So 3 stores later, I find it, by the way it's in a box, not a bag.
Today was the day!
It wasn't as easy as I had hoped. (Is it ever?) A lot of sifting, mixing, zesting etc. Once baked they were suppose to fall out of the pan, as you brushed it with melted butter. NOT!! I had to get them out using my handy dandy KNIFE!
Now the recipe says use 3 Madeleine pans, I only have one. I had to bake them, wash the pan and start over for the next batch. This time using PAM and brushing with butter. For some reason this next batch has too much of something because butter was at the bottom of the oven burning, and smoking. WHATEVER!
Well, let me tell you, after all of the mess and work, they taste delicious. They are lemony, buttery goodness. I don't even eat that many sweets, but of course I tried these.
I guess I will impress my husband tonight!!
Not sure if I will make them again, or if the pan will be in my next garage sale.
We will see.
Hope you are having a great day!!
Chat again soon.
PS, back to cleaning my kitchen.
just wanted to say what a wonderful blog you have. Your pictures are stunning and I've really enjoyed having a nose around. Thank you and best wishes !
I probably wouldn't have waited for a yard sale ... they are delicious, tho. TTFN ~Marydon
Cute story! I can almost taste that lemony buttery goodness! My husband would be really impressed....hope yours is!
:) Laura
My favorite treat ever!! They are a pain in the neck,but so worth it!
My mother would bake Madelienes. The air would be blue, not with the smoke from burning butter, but with curses...LOL...Are you going to make 50 batches for the baby shower? Just teasing...
I applaud your efforts!! These are the memories that "stick" with us long after the madelienes are gone. Yummy!!
Hey Rosemary!!! You know, working with butter recipes is very tricky! I make homemade brioche which is laden with butter. They always come out perfect, but a friend of mine tried the same recipe and had the problem you just described. It takes practice but the results are in my opinion, worth it! How are ya woman? Don't forget to come to my play!!! Carry on with those crowns!! Anita
Well this post just blew my fantasy of making these cookies some day. You know they have been Eli's Favorites honestly as long as I can remember.I had no idea they were such a pain to make. What a find too. Im sure after several dozen, will be perfected. Have a great weekend, Jamie
Hi Rosemary,
I loved your story about the Madeleines and the taste of lemon must be so good.
Sounds like it was a hard job with the preparation but must have been neat to make them in the end. Yumm!
Enjoy your weekend
Hi Sweet Rosemary~
I can't cook worth a flip so I can't give advice on this one :) Reading about this makes me hungry and almond biscotti is just not doing the trick this morning after reading this!
Those sounds amazing, although all of the work you did doesn't!! :) Isn't it funny that baking always seems so easy to some people and then when I get in the kitchen I make a huge mess and burn things! ugh! happy weekend!
Sounds like a lot of work! I'm glad they turned out tasty! I've always thought they were pretty little treats. Good for you for trying something new!
Bonjour Rosemary!
You made it to the play! How wonderful! Thanks so much for your comments; they are much appreciated...I love to write even if it is silly!! I just adore Balzac. When I was in Paris I encountered a terrier like this that captured my heart. I named him Balzac and decided that I would make a little story using his "personnage". I'm amusing myself and hopefully all of you! Have a great Sunday! Anita
To the rescue I am coming!! By some Bakers Joy spray, either by the Pam or in by the baking supplies. The combination spray will work wonders. Or you may lightly Pam it and lightly flour over the Pam, you need the dusting of flour to make them slide. I'm made them before and it does work, also washing the pan between each batch and using a cool pan to add dough or spray is important! Give it one more try, it'll work! Lori
They look wonderful - even though I know that you went through a lot to achieve this perfection.
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