Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I saw Marie!

Not really, it was just Kirsten Dunst eating lunch at our local health food store.
My brush with Marie/Kirsten was this afternoon. I had my hair done today, and it took forever. I was starving after it was done, so I walked a few doors down to the health food store/cafe. There she was, Marie/Kirsten having lunch with some scruffy looking skinny guy. I don't know who he was. She had no makeup on, hair pulled back in a bun, and she seemed to be in a rather grumpy mood. I was standing at the counter waiting for my to go order (Soup and Salad), they got up from their table to pay. She stood right next to me and I moved over for her. She did not smile or say anything, and neither did I.
That was my brush with Marie. My lunch was very good by the way, and my hair looks great!!
I'm sure you could not have lived all day without this Hollywood report.
Have a great afternoon.
Chat again soon.


  1. That was a Funny Story! NO Surprise, some of these actors think they are all that!(as my kids would say) Isn't it funny you meet up with them when you least expect it! xo Jamie.. PS doesn't it feel good when you get your hair done!! Just sayin...

  2. OMG! Rosemary! You know, I have had several Hollywood brushes, and the same thing; no make-up, no fancy-schancy, and a rude attitude. It must be fatigue from all that work on the set....I bet you look just stunning! Anita

  3. Oh what fun Rosemary ~ seeing Marie/Kirsten.
    I suppose they can have bad hair days and be grumpy too.
    Glad that your hair looks great, always makes one feel good.

    I hope that you are having a great week

  4. very neat........I am sure she gets sick of people saying "oh! I looove you!!" and all that -

    you totally should have snagged her autograph - cool like -
    like: "hey Kirsten....I really enjoy your work....can I have your autograph?"

    but anytime I have had 'brush with fame' I'm one of those foot in the mouth types.......

  5. I saw her in an airport one time and she looked extremely grumpy. Must be part of her personality. She was with some guy that looked like he need a bath (or two).

    I am sure your hair looks fabulous!


  6. Too funny, Rosemary! My only brush with a celebrity was when I was washing my hands in a restroom next to Kathy Ireland. Talk about feeling like I was having an ugly day -- standing next to a supermodel in front of a mirror!?!?

  7. Wow! What a fun story! I bet you looked like the Hollywood star even if she didn't!

  8. Cute post!! I always wonderful how stars are when they are doing their everyday things, like eating lunch...i suppose the spotlight would get to be a little much at times!

  9. I always wonder why they can't offer a smile. You didn't ask her to speak to you. You didn't ask her to give her time or an autograph. You simply hoped for a smile in return to your smile. Sigh :(

  10. You're so funny Rosemary! Whenever I see a famous person I look too, but kinda go the other way. Never know who you'll see strolling around here in sunny so cal!
    Take care,

  11. You're so funny Rose. You should have asked her what it was like kissing Brad Pitt??? she's only been asked that a thousand times!
    ps....she was so cute but devilish in that movie.

  12. Celebrity sightings are so much fun!

    I feel badly for people like that, though...I mean, she is just as entitled to be tired, grumpy, etc as the rest of us. Of course, rudeness is unacceptable for anyone....

  13. It's sad she was grumpy, but how thrilling to have seen her in person.

