Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, and Father's to be Day!!
Have a fun weekend!
Enjoy whatever you do.
Happy Father's Day to my husband Mark, and to my Son in law Joe, Father to be!
Chat again soon.


  1. Aw :) That's a cute card! Have a nice weekend!

    All the best,

  2. I'm so glad you posted about Father's Day -- it's one holiday I tend to forget completely! What a lovely old graphic you found!

  3. Beautiful vintage card, Rosemary! Come by and see what my husband did to our house! Anita

  4. Hello my friend!
    Thanks for coming over and sitting for a spell in my new, more spacious living room! I am very excited; I feel like we added on! Isn't that chunk of a man of mine great? :) And by the way, he is a sucker for guitars. He, like your guy, has about 5 and is always on the prowl for more! Have a great week, Anita

  5. Greetings from Nocture! Thanks Rosemary for coming to my other world! Did you notice the Marie the Garden Faery? I embellished a $1.00 figurine from a yard sale! I made her wig and of course, I had to add the crown! Come by again, Anita
