Thursday, October 9, 2008

Show and Tell

Happy Thursday!!
I started my day with my morning walk. I walk every week day with my friend Joan.
I then went to get my nails done. They really take a beating with all of my projects.
Here is one of my latest projects. A Thanksgiving garland, which will be going to Garden Memories this weekend. I drew out the oak leaves, painted and glittered them.

Here is a little turkey box I added to my box repertoire. Above the turkey,( because I can hear you wondering),little hanging letters. I had a special order for D's and C's.

A new Make a Wish wand, and a new ballerina box. They keep dancing out of the shop. I got some of my ballerinas from my friend Jamie at Visit her,
she makes the prettiest vintage jewelry ever!!
Got a little email note from my friend Jennifer Grey today. She requested a picture of the washstand I purchased from her. I used it in the corner of my bedroom. Pretty hand towels, courtesy of Garden Memories.

Now I am glittering some new crowns, so much for my nails.

Have a great day/evening!!

One more note, I discovered my friend Manuela formerly of The Feathered Nest, has a new blog, I'm so sorry that I did not realize this sooner. Anyway visit her, you will love her blog. Glad she is back blogging!

Chat soon!!




  1. Wow! That sure is pretty! I make ragrugs for a hobby, plus purses out of old jeans, and aprons out of old dresses. I have another site for stuff like that:
    Feel free to copy the crafts if you like them. They are easy. You have to scroll down a lot to see them on that site.
    I will be posting a lot on my "Civilla" site on the 50's!

  2. Wow! That sure is pretty! I make ragrugs for a hobby, plus purses out of old jeans, and aprons out of old dresses. I have another site for stuff like that:
    Feel free to copy the crafts if you like them. They are easy. You have to scroll down a lot to see them on that site.
    I will be posting a lot on my "Civilla" site on the 50's!

  3. Hi Rosemary!

    Those wands are so gorgeous I can see why they're flying out of the store! Love all your glittery goodies!

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome back!



  4. Have not been by in a long while ...that's what happens when you have little ones underfoot! I adore the little ballerina! You've been a busy woman, I see! PS I've just plain given up on nails!

  5. Very pretty Thanksgiving things, Rosemary. It will be here before we know it!

    The washstand is beautiful.

  6. I love your Thanksgiving creations - you never see enough geared towards that holiday.

  7. Beautiful creations for Thanksgiving, and you know I loved seeing your Halloween pretties, too! We just put ours out today, so I'll try to take photos this coming week.

    I'm enjoying catching up on what you've been up to!


  8. Hi Sweet Rosemary, Ive been Computerless for two days.. I was going thru the DT's. LOL...I Love the Garland, so Pretty! The Wash basin is Gorgeous. I forgot to tell you about Ms. Manuela was back in Blogland. I caught up with her a few weeks back. her Blog is as Wonderful as usual. It is Beautiful Fall Weather here in Southern Cali isn't it. You and Mark have a Wonderful weekend. Jaimie

  9. I am betting that garland will be in the shop for less than an hour before it is snapped up! The leaves you drew are just wonderful.

  10. Alllllllll is devine...I posed my kitty cat finally. Glittering has become addicting for me. all over my countertops. cherry

  11. Hi Sweetie,i just added you to my fava also.Hugs Marie Antionette

  12. Lovin' that Thanksgiving garland. Thanksgiving is so often overlooked for decorating.
    (That last part is from Isabella the cat; thought I'd leave it on there and give you a smile :)

  13. Hey doll! Boy oh boy have I missed you! Looky at all the wonderful glitterly things in here! Love the turkey box! You clever thing! Just popped in to say hello!

  14. I love all your beatuiful things but I really love the Thanksgiving banner! You are so creative!!!

    That washstand looks so adorable with the beautiful linens hanging from it!

  15. I always love your sweet treasures...this garland is just beautiful!
    You are one of the most creative people!

    The washstand looks amazing...


  16. Now this is my stuff i love thanksgiving yummy love the garland and need to make me one.Don't forget stop by get your new award:)
    hugs ginger

  17. Good morning my friend! I just love your wash stand! If I had space for one I would get one for my bathroom. Cute, cute!

    Awesome garland you made there! I laughed when you said your nails take a beating. I gave up on mine a few years back. Keep up the amazing work!

    love ya,
