Sunday, September 7, 2008

Favorite Window Day!

Hi all!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Today, Cielo of The House In The Roses is hosting your favorite window day!! If you want to see some great windows, be sure to visit her blog today.

This is a view of my kitchen window. It's my favorite, because of the valance that my husband made out of an old piece of molding from the Ventura flea market. I also love my small chandelier from the Rose Bowl flea market, and the corbels from the Santa Monica flea market.

It's a combo flea market extravaganza! My second new favorite window is this photo, taken by a new friend of mine, Elizabeth Messina. She is a wonderful, amazing photographer. We met in Garden Memories, the shop which carries some of my artwork. Elizabeth was in the shop purchasing some items for her daughter's birthday. She happened to be picking out some of my crowns when I was in the shop dropping more items off.

She took some beautiful photographs of the crowns, and was kind enough to give me some copies. Here you can see the crowns from her window.

I hope you enjoy visiting favorite window day!

I was also recently tagged by my nice blog friend Amy, for 7 random things about me.

Please visit Amy's blog. She is a wonderful, and entertaining writer. Amy is the owner of a great little shop in Portland Oregon, called Poppy and Ivy. Check out her blog,

Now, I have done some of these lists before, so I had to come up with more random stuff.

1) I met my husband when I was 16 (we have been married almost 32 years)

2) I never drink a glass of milk. I use it in coffee, tea and cereal, but never drink it by the glass.

3) I like Christmas Eve better than Christmas Day.

4) I have never been out of the country. (I hate flying)

5) If my husband is out of town, I sleep with the light on. (Weird, I know)

6) I believe in ghosts, even though I have never seen one.

7) I have to make the bed as soon as I get up.

Now I am suppose to tag 7 more of you. (Karen) (Ashley) (Deb) (Susie) (Becky) (Linda) (Clarice)


  1. Love your kitchen window. It has that old world look that is so charming. Enjoy reading all those things about you.
    Blessings, Virginia

  2. It sounds like we have a lot in common... like you I don't drink milk. When I was younger and at playschool, all the other children got their bottle of milk, I had a cup of orange i'd bring from home.

    I much prefer the fun of Christmas Eve and at the moment my parents are on holiday so I'm home alone so sleeping with the lights on!

    Victoria xx

  3. HOpe you read this...I lost your email. I love your black cat wand. Email me the total. Do you do Paypal? I am leaving for a funeral out of town but will be back tomorrow night. Just let me know. Thanks, cherry

  4. Dear sweet friend, your home, and windows are truly enchanting.... I felt in love with that window the very moment I saw it.... My sincere THANKS for participating. I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks. ~William Shakespeare



  5. I love the windows Rosemary. But then, I so love your home.
    Oh how I enjoy seeing your Halloween one does this holiday better than you and I love it. Visiting you here is always a treat.


  6. Your kitchen is so pretty. The chandelier is wunderbar!

  7. Really beautiful windows! I loved your kitchen window best though.
    I also thought you had interesting things about you as well. xoxo Nita

  8. Love the Windows! That Mark, he is really Amazing putting all those flea market finds together like that. You two make a good team.I don't drink milk and I can't remember if i ever drank a glass myself. Have a great weekend, Jamie

  9. Your windows are fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My best wishes to you
    Maria from Poland

  10. Just love all the beautiful windows I've seen today.I'm glad Cielo hosted that.Yours is no exception.Fantasticly beautiful.Marie Antionette

  11. Beautiful windows, lovely chick! Yep, old marriages are the best, aren't they? Hubs and I have been married 47+ years and still going strong...... come over and visit, honey.

  12. Love the window Rosemary! Check out my blog today, with your beautiful creations! Take care, Martha

  13. What a beautiful window!

    I dont drink glasses of milk either.. except with chocolate cake. That's my one exception.

    And us Halloween fans have to believe in ghosts. Right? :)

  14. Beautiful kitchen window Rosemary.

    I enjoyed your list, too.

  15. Your kitchen window is so pretty! And I'm with you on the milk. Unless I have oreos.

  16. Hi! nice to meet you!What a beautiful views. your windows are so nice!

    visit me anytime...

  17. I visited Cielo's earlier and got to see all of the wonderful windows. What a neat idea that was. Your's is very stylish and welcoming.

    Loved reading your tidbits about YOU!

    If you have a moment, come by and vote for your favorite Diamond Poem.


  18. Your windows are absolutely beautiful!

  19. I love your window treatment. I have ever since I saw it the first time.

    View my blog at:
