Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Random Facts and Random Pictures!!

Happy Middle of the week to all!
Today it's still gloomy outside, even in sunny California.
I took some random shots around my house.
Here is my crown hanging outside the guest bath.
As you know, I have a mini obsession with crowns. (Maybe I was a princess in a former life)

This lovely chippy header, I got from Ebay. I just love the color.

I change this cloche with the seasons and holidays.

I started a small collection of vintage loving cups. I think they add charm.

My other mini obsession is with France. I am still trying to get brave enough to fly there.

I love these old chippy corbels. They look especially good in front of my red wall.

OK, now for more boxes, and news that I forgot to mention in my last post.
Jennifer Grey is now carrying a line of pretty paper items, including some of my paper art.
She has boxes, cones, mini banners, and many other items from many different artists, you will love. Check out her new category called Paper Post.
Now in my last post I was tagged, and I had to tell 5 random facts about myself.
I did that, and asked when you all posted a comment to leave a fact about yourself as well.
Here is what some of you said.
Meg, "I love chapstick, and
can't go to sleep until I put
it on."
Deb, My daughter Kate and I are often referred to as the Gilmore Girls. Best friends and that's who we look like."
Jenn," My aunt got me interested in antique tea cups. Each person always got a different cup."
Liz, "I never go anywhere without mascara and eyeliner on."
Karla, "I love boy bands."
Pat ,"I have useless trivia floating around in my head, especially about old movies."
Junie, If on a desert island, I would want every book ever printed."
Linda, " I love fresh flowers, and always have one on my nightstand."
Kimberly, I love eating Lays potato chips and green onion dip, lots!"
Ashley,( in my opinion one of the best talents I have ever heard of), I can write backwards in cursive, pages and pages, it comes naturally." (WOW)
Michelle, " As a teenager I wrote fantasy stories about leading a double life."
Thanks for all of your random facts, and for playing along. It was fun!
Have a great day!


  1. Thanks for the glimpses :-)

  2. I enjoyed the tour and I love that crown :)

  3. Maybe you were Queen in a previous life....ya never know!

    I love the same things you do & wish I was brave enough to fly over the ocean to France. I have flown quite a bit but it scares me so!

    Have a great day, DebraK

  4. Don't you just love the little snapshots inside homes we share on line? I do, too!

    That picture of you daughter and you is so sweet. Funny, every time I look at a picture of my daughter, I think the same thing...thank goodness for good dentists! Those smiles sure look good.
    Have a good day! Donna

  5. Love the little snapshots, Rosemary...and you know I especially love the eiffel tower and the CHIC book!

  6. Love the powder room crowns! Your creations are lovely! Fun to read all these random facts.

  7. Your little crowns have so much character. I encourage you to get brave and go to is worth it! Susan

  8. Love the visit!
    I have a thing for crowns too. I can't figure out why, do you suppose we were royalty in a previous life? Think I'll pop over to Jennifer's, thanks for the link. Linda

  9. Scoot over, I'm moving in. And when I leave you may be missing a few things!!!
    PS- You and your daughter- darling!!

  10. Hello from Toronto,

    I love your finds, especially the crown and Eiffel tower!



  11. Hi Rosemary!
    I love your crown that hangs outside of your guest bath!
    hmmm. ceptors are making appearances, perhaps you need one to run the royal castle! :)
    I love the boxes that your friend has made!! I love white!

    I hope the sun is shining there today!!! I NEED to know that it is shining somewhere!

    With kindness,
    p.s. i turned my vision from the screen and there it is , Mr. Sun!

  12. I just love all of your architectural pieces, and i loved seeing some parts of your home I've not seen before.
    Your boxes are beautiful as usual.
    Random Fact about me: I can recite all 50 state in alphabetical order. in under a minute.

  13. so now I know what you want for your birthday!

  14. pretty collection of loving cups. one of those is on my "wish" list. i keep getting outbid on ebay - lol! and congrats on jennifer selling your pretties - whoo hoo =) debbie

  15. You have some amazing collections!!! Love them all!!

    I will have to tootle over to Jen's and check out the Paper goodies.


  16. Such pretty treasures! I love crowns, too! =) You SHOULD fly to France!!! My Mom was hesitant to fly as well... my baby brother finally convinced her to go to London with him, and she did! She was sooooo glad she went, too! =)

  17. Love your crown with the sign. Are we on throne?

  18. Oh, so many pretty things! I love your vintage cups; so full of charm!

    Have a great friday my fried!


  19. Hi Rosemary! Oh, atleast go once in your life, Paris is so very special.
    Thanks for adding your name to my GIVE AWAY!
    xo Lidy

  20. I loved seeing the little accessories in your home. I absolutely love the crown. What a great find! I, too, am trying to gain the courage to fly to France. I think it would be so worth the effort! Amy :)

  21. Hi Rosemary. I am thankful for sweet bloggers like you that leave comments on my blog.
    Rhondi xo

  22. Hi Rosemary, thanks for visiting and your lovely comments. You really should pluck up courage to fly to France, it's beautiful and my favourite place to visit (luckily I don't have to fly to get there!)
    enjoy your weekend,
    Lucy x

  23. You have such fun collections - love those vintage loving cups and all the chippy things. LOVE that crown!


  24. I'm not a big fan of flying. I don't hate it enough to avoid it completely, but it's not my favorite thing. However, Paris. Paris is worth it! I visited it two years ago and I have thought about it every single day since. And now I'm thrilled to be planning a return trip in April. My husband HATES flying, and yet he's decided he's getting on a plane to figure out how one can fall in love with a city.
    If it's just flying over the ocean that bothers you, and not flying in general, you might try a flight that goes up over canada and just skips over a small bit of ocean to Greenland and then another quick jump and you're over Europe.
