Friday, August 3, 2007

Pizza Party

Happy Friday!!

Pizza Party at my house tonight!!
I thought I would do a quick post this morning.
I am busy making pizza sauce, and dough, for my little dinner party tonight.
Wish you all could come!!

I will post the party pictures this weekend.

Have a great day!


  1. Oh I wish I could come-I would love to!! Your pizza sounds delicious too! Have fun tonight-can't wait to see the pictures!! xx

  2. Me.. Me.. Pick Me! I want to go! Pizza on Fridays is one of our traditions! This weekend I am making "Tipsy chicken" I will save some for you! Well my new friend have a great Friday! XOXO Lisa

  3. I want to come!!! LOL, have fun. It Looks like are homes are Very Similar... Birds of a Feather... Love Everything, cant wait to see pics. Have a great weekend. Jamie

  4. Have a wonderful evening!!!

  5. is that the birdbath from French General? I almost bought it but found a similar one at Fred Meyer instead.

    ps ~ I will try to relax & enjoy my weekend; thanks for the reminder :)

  6. Oh! I wish we could come too. We
    love pizza!
    We make our own as well.
    Do you have a good dough recipe?I think we are all sick of ours,and every once in awhile we like to try a new recipe and I am quite sure that yours is fabulous!

  7. Sounds fun!! I hope you had a great time. Homemade pizza is the the best. I love that "CIAO" banner. So cute!! I have a little chalkboard like yours too. Fun to scribe little messages.

