Thursday, May 3, 2007

A little project

Yesterday morning on my way home from the grocery store, I had an impulse to stop at the local thrift store. I figured I could only stay for a few minutes, considering I had groceries in the car. Anyway, I did, and this is what I found.
Well it didn't exactly look like this when I found it. (I should have taken before pictures, but I always forget to do that, when I am excited about starting a project). It started out really ugly, take my word for it. It was a dark greenish color, with sort of painted books on the front of it. I think they were going for that fake library book look.
So I put some primer on, painted it with a cream color, then shabbied it up a bit.

The weird thing is that I have been looking for one of these mini armoires. I looked on ebay, and at some flea markets. The prices ranged from about $20.00 to $35.00 plus shipping etc.
Well, this one was only $7.00.
So when you have that sudden impulse to pull over to that thrift store, garage/yard sale or side of the road, DO IT!!!
You never know what you might find.


  1. That is a cute one.
    What room will you use it in?

    I always forget the before picture too. LOL


  2. Adorable. You did a great job painting it.

  3. Hi, I followed you over from Pat's blog,Back Porch Musings.
    What a great "find" you found!, and at a great price!


  4. Rosemary, that is just too cute! You did a great job shabby-ing it. I guess it sits on the floor? what a great little storage piece. I can see it in a bathroom. You don't have to talk me into stopping...I'm on it! LOL

    Southern Hospitality

  5. $7!!! You lucky thing! I swear I'm going to have to start traveling to go to thrift shops cause the ones by me usually just have junk. You did a great job - it looks super cute and I'm sure it'll be a handy item to have!


  6. you've been "tagged". please see my blog for info =) have fun! debbie

  7. I love it! You did a great job. I love to rehab treasures also.
    Come visit me!

  8. Oh I LOVE that piece! You did a wonderful job on it.


  9. Oh that's just lovely. I've been looking for something like that too to go in our bathroom.Good for you finding it.

  10. I just love that, Glad you showed it with the accessories, I couldn't get my brain around the size until then.

    You tagged me, not really sure what to do now, but I think I have to find 7 people to tag and tell some stuff about myself. Am I right??
