Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Trash to Treasure Pink Tray

Just a little update from yesterday. The .50cent pink tray, is now a new tray to hold my fun card making supplies. I think it came out really cute!
I am still working on the terrarium. It is slow going with the red paint. I will post it when I get done. I am trying to work on it, while doing 10 other things. You know how that is.
Have a great day!!!


  1. This turned out beautifully, and what a perfect way to organize your card making supplies. Enjoy!

  2. Hi Rosemary - thanks for visiting me ACROSS THE POND and telling me about your success with creeping thyme! Looks like I will follow your idea and plant actual plants instead of hoping, and praying, the seeds would germinate. I haven't given up completely though as it's early days, however, every morning the patches have been dug in by who knows what - squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, rabbits, or maybe just birds (we have so many) looking for breakfast worms!

    Wow, the pink tray is fabulous for your supplies - and what a great bargain. From all the Calif. blogs I read you appear to have such great vintage shops - perhaps because Rachel Ashwell is out there! Luckily I now have "SuzAnna's" (see link at bottom of my blog) right here in Raleigh and they have marvelous stuff - I can't stay away!

    Have a great week - hope the bargains keep coming. Come see me again!

  3. what a beautiful craft idea! i love how you are using it :)
