Sunday, April 22, 2007

Understanding the blog thing

Sunday April 22, 2007
Thought that you might like to see this nice Spring picture, of my newly planted old chair in my backyard.
Now down to the business of blogging. The only thing I am trying to understand, is how to give someone the site and how to find my blog.
If you have a friend who normally doesn't read blogs, then how do you go about telling them how to find yours??? This is the part that I haven't figured out yet. So if someone out there in blog land knows what I am talking about, I would really appreciate the help.
I have enjoyed reading the many blogs about shabby, antique, flea markets, junking etc. So I though I would try writing a blog about the same thing.
So help out a fellow blogger if you can.
Thanks so much,


  1. Rosemary,

    I can see you are off to a great start...looks lovely so far!

    Jennifer, oxox

  2. Hi Rosemary,

    Just send whoever you want to read your blog your address which is:

    Good Luck and thank you for the nice comments on my blog! I'll keep checkin' back =)


  3. I remember trying to explain to a lady at a country market about our blog... she said "you own a block on the internet?"

    Never mind!

    Your blog is looking great. Stop in for a visit anytime.

  4. Hi Rosemary,

    I too, am new at blogging and I am trying to understand it as much as I can. Your site is lovely and I will be back often to visit.


  5. I am laughing because this is exactly what I have talked with my daughter about... So I am with You!
    I have come to conclusion that a blog can be described as an on line/internet journal or tha you write a sort of article eachday or....week ec. about Antiquing.
    Thank You for adding me to your list!!!
    With Kindness,

  6. Welcome! I have been blogging for 6 weeks and am REALLY enjoying it. The best way that I found to let on-line people know about you is to comment on blogs that you read and sign off with your address -

    I also describe my blog as an on-line journal but most people still don't get and look at me as if I am out of my mind! Oh well, it's lots of fun to find so many new friends that GET it!
